Ellen dresses up in Madonna’s cone bra and dunks Rocco

Madonna has already taped an episode of The Ellen show but it will not air until October 29th. We were able to get a few sneak peeks of the photos from the taping. Looks like Ellen is wearing her famous Vogue cone bra outfit and having a bit too much fun in it. Also Rocco was placed inside a dunk chair where mother Madonna and Aunt Ellen threw balls towards him to knock water down on him to raise money for breast cancer awareness. He was a great sport about it even though his mother Madge kept missing the target but then the butch one that Ellen is took over and knock the pan of water on Rocco. I wonder who will become the biggest star out of the Madonna family… one of the adopted children, Rocco, or Lordes.

The last time Madonna was on Ellen was to speak of Teen Bullying after the suicides of several gay teens.
Here is the entire video..






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